Tristan Fernando- Student

What is your earliest memory?
One of my earliest childhood memories was when my family and I used to spend the summer in Maine at a beach house. My brother and I used to wake up really early and wait for the water to fully recede. We would run and collect a bunch of hermit crabs and put them into a little plastic boat that would float on the water. The air was so crisp and cool. It was amazing.
Do you have any great playlists/albums you would like to share? Can you make a drawing to go with it?
My all time favorite album would have to be Down Colorful Hill by Red House Painters! I thought this picture I drew went kind of well with the cover photo. “A lonely older woman thinking about her past.” I actually drew this picture in an airport , funny enough.
Do you collect anything?
Recently I have found a love for collecting natural food pigments to dye linen with.
Do you believe the way we dress affects the way we think?
Yes totally! An outfit that evokes confidence is key to making you feel great. I always find that I will go to some of my old trusted pieces when I want to feel good even though it may not fit the occasion.
What would your warning label say?
I can be an asshole... sometimes.
What is the greatest challenge or struggle you have ever faced?
The greatest struggle I have ever faced was when my two close friends passed away.
If you could only keep 5 possessions what would they be?
My record player, tea kettle, sewing machine, a polaroid of my brother and I, and a stuffed animal I have had since I was a kid.
Do you believe in god?
No but I am spiritual.
Tristan is currently an urban planning student at Ryerson University in Toronto Canada. When not studying his time is spent being a avid music and fashion enthusiast.
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