Camilla Szabo - Photographer

Do you feel you have met your own expectations?

I can’t say I’m there yet, but I feel so proud with my growth and progress over the last few years. There have been some big life shifts that feel like they’re finally settling, and everything is falling into place. Or that’s the trajectory!


 How did you spend your last Birthday?

My partner and I drove Upstate for the night and car camped. We woke up before sunrise and watched the lunar eclipse. We then drove back to the city, showered and went to breakfast. He dropped me at work, all timed impeccably :) 


How do you measure success?

Inner joy, balance, and if you’re making time to pursue your passions. For me this means continuing to create, spending time with loved ones, and nourishing deep relationships. 


It’s talent night, what are you bringing?



Any tips for a good night's sleep?

Magnesium supplement before bed and a night routine done to candlelight! And of course never going to sleep upset…


 Share  your best photo .

 what would you do if you had no fears

In a very literal sense, I would probably pack up a bag and move somewhere new for a while, not worrying about job or finances or anything.

On a more emotional level, I would be more self assured, move through the world unafraid of showing myself and fully embodying my passions. I would probably sing and dance more, be louder generally, and maybe take an acting class :)


Camilla Szabo graduated from New York University in 2022 with a BFA in Photography & Imaging and a minor in Art & Public Policy from Tisch School of the Arts. She recently relocated from New York City to Seattle, WA, where she lives with her partner. You can find her work here:

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