Heidi Robb - Food & Drink Stylist/Culinary Creative

If you had intro music, what song would it be?
Laughing loudly at the idea of strutting into a space with an intro song. Cannot even go there.
What do you do on Sundays?
Sundays are for sipping two cups of coffee in bed in lieu of the usual one. Chances are high that I'll shop early at a local market and will be considering what to prepare for supper once the goods are spread across the counter as my procuring style is with my eyes and without a plan. Keeping Sundays languid and fluid feels right.
What did you do as a teenager that makes you cringe now?
Everything. It is painful to recall the depths of the unconsciousness I was living in the name of rebellion. Oof. Would like a teen-years do-over, please. 
What is one question you wish people would ask you more often.
I’d like to turn that question on its head in wishing people might genuinely hold space for an honest reply to “How are you doing?”
When is the last time that you cried?
In '21 I spent six months living on a small-scale vegetable farm in Taos, NM, while studying native and folk herbalism. That time spent immersed in wild majestic splendor while connected to the rhythms of the seasons was absolutely surreal. Recently I returned for a visit and wept a flood of gratitude tears for the land that had once held me as home. Wild splendor brings out the emotional in me.
What is the best thing about living in Ohio?
We have four distinct seasons to appreciate, rich agriculture, amazing park systems full of beautiful trails to explore, cultural diversity, and the Cleveland Museum of Art - a world-class free art museum. 
What are you most excited about right now?
The chaotic abundance of late summer produce! All that is sweet and hot-sun ripened to juicy-bursting maximum everything. Currently living for long-simmered vegetable stews - squash, beans, onions, tomatoes, corn, beans, okra, peppers and loads of fresh herbs. Eggplant parm sans breading on repeat and tomato sauce spatters punctuating the stove wall. Everything summer salads! Ohio peaches and melons are glorious and bring out the greedy in me. I want to cook, share and eat it all.
Do you believe in god?
My belief is in that of source, of spirit, of a Something Greater consciousness which exists beyond the physical experience.  
Emails, texts or phone calls?
Emails for business, text for quickies, phone calls for human-to-human conversation.
The world is changing fast , what is the one thing you wish you could turn back time on?
Climate change and the horrific amount of damage that humans have incurred upon the planet. 
What is the worst date you have been on?
Hmmm…that designation may go to the primatology professor whom upon meeting dropped to the floor, and approached knuckle-walking as an ape, sniffing my head, face and neck. Oh gosh, there have been some doozies.
Heidi is a food and drink stylist for still and motion photography. With an eye drawn towards the disarrayed beauty of the natural world, she loves a drip, a swirl, and the calm within the chaos. Heidi revels in cooking with the seasons, as well as producing wild-foraged plant oils for use in healing balms which feels an organic extension to her culinary skills. "Heidi Robb is a master of the sublime, a sculptor of light, and a meditative force."

1 comentário

  • Marilyn Blaustein

    Heidi, your beautiful writing makes me laugh, wonder and admire

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