Sy DiGiore - Artist

 What is your guiltiest pleasure? 

 crabby patty gummies from the dollar general.


 What do you like that everyone else seems to dislike? 

 Processes & patience. 


 What have you done that would most impress your 15 year old self? 

 Raising my baby for a year now. She would be mind blown. She wouldn’t even believe it but she would be so impressed at how great I am doing. In connection to that, she’d be SUPER impressed with how I vocalize myself now when I need to as a question, speak up, set a boundary or stand my ground. 


 Do you believe that people can change? 

 do believe that people can change, for better or for worse. But it takes a specific type of person to be able to change for the better. In general life is always altering who we are in some way , which is essentially what “change” is. I believe we are meant to change in the same way that a tree does. 



Who was your childhood hero? 

 Michael Jackson, though the King of Pop he used some of his great music to send strong messages as well like “Earth Song” & “they don’t really care about us” 


 What is the biggest sign of weakness in another person? 

 When they are double-minded. Possibly. I can think of multiple signs of weakness but not sure which is the biggest. 


 5 things to do less often?

 Hesitate. Give in to fear. Eat processed foods. Re-hash the past. Worry. 

 Give me some good deed ideas? 

 Next time someone is speaking to you, give them your absolute undivided & unwavering attention & do not think about your response, just listen until it’s your turn to reply. It’s way harder than it seems. 


 What is the best part of being a new mom? 

 frickin really tough question but every day looking at my child and being absolutely amazed that he was formed inside of my belly & pushed out by mine and his own reflexes & that he is a mini version of me & a person you love , combined. Also looking at him and without a doubt knowing that he’s here to teach US a thing or two. I know this isn’t the question but my favorite thing about this season with him is the constant smiles and excitement. I’m actually excited to wake up when he does because we just go back and forth with big smiles and it is the absolute best way I’ve ever woken up in my life. 


Sy lives in Alfred NY with her new son, her partner, 3 dogs, 1 kitty and a rooster.

See her work here

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