Nikomi Arroyo- Chef, Vinyls DJ, Restaurateur

Nikomi Arroyo Flight Restaurant Whittier
Who is your Best friend?

Jay. We met at our college science building. We got married, had five children, opened and manage a restaurant together and pleasurably season each other happily.

How do you measure success?

When you choose to love and give to ANYONE.

What do you ALWAYS buy when you go to the grocery store?

vitamins, eggs, grass-fed butter (salted & unsalted), and organic chicken, garlic, onions, fresh herbs & spices.

tell me one thing you know for sure?

Faith in God works.  With patience and confidence in Him, I have not once been discouraged.

When was the last time you cried?

Last night, in prayer, as I reflected on what had just happened early that evening; An elderly gentleman experienced a heart failure episode in our restaurant. As emergency care wheeled him out, I asked his wife if she needed anything before leaving. Her heavy brow & heart of concern and life care for her husband immediately lifted. The tension in her body slipped away as she said, "Thank you. You were so kind, helpful and so patient."  I hugged her and was warmed by the softness of her bubblegum pink sweater. Then I whispered in her ear, "Your husband is in God's Hands. He's going to be okay". 

Do you have any tips for a good nights sleep?

 I believe it is best not to go to bed just before watching TV, or anything on your electronics that contains negative subject matter. I like to have a cup of tea, read healthy and inspiring literature, pray and meditate on what was just silently taken in.  Also, having fresh, filtered water by your bedside.

Nikomi Arroyo is a wife, mother, chef, vinyls DJ, community speaker and owner of Phlight Restaurant in Whittier, CA. 


Follow Phlight Restaurant on Instagram @phlightwhittier

The Slow Genius Movement



7 comentarios

  • Marcie Vega

    I spotted Nikomi at a local supermarket recently and I was a total fan girl! And she had in her basket exactly what she described!

  • Barbara

    I am honored to call Nikomi my friend. So proud of all the work she does and look forward to her future success 💞

  • Rachelle Johansen

    Nikomi- Natural born nurturer and all of the above.

  • Cyd Montoya Swaim

    Nikomi is a pearl in our community sea. Kind, inspiring & the real deal.

  • Rose Mueller

    Such a Beautiful & Inspiring interview.
    Nikomi, Thank you for giving us a window into your heart~❤️🌹

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