Lara Taubman- Musician

Super hero or spirit animal, which and why?
My spirit animal is a horse. Horses are an old archetype, they represent strength, freedom, peace, movement and dreams and are another one of man’s best friends. They are also very beautiful.
What smell brings back great memories?
Pine trees remind me of the pine forests I use to hike through in North Carolina at summer camp when I was a kid.
The overwhelming, sweltering smell of garbage on the streets in July reminds me of my beloved one and only New York City.
The smell of chaparral bushes reminds me of the southwestern desert.
What is one thing you know for sure?
I know for sure that love is the highest vibration, the highest form of anything anywhere.
Do you think people are naturally good?
That is a very complex question. I think most people intend to do good but can’t.
Tell me something nice about Canada
The world would not be the same without the extraordinary musicians who have and still come from Canada. I would not be the musician I am today without them. Artists like: Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, The Band, Gordon Lightfoot, Colter Wall, and there are many more I can’t think of here. I think its subconsciously what drove me to buy my country house there on Wolfe Island (where the pictures were taken!). And I dont think it was a coincidence that I made my first album in Canada with Wolfe Island Records.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Running and playing in my grandmother’s lush and large garden in Roanoke, Va. where I am from.
What do you think is the best way to get to know someone?
Traveling is the true shakeout of a person. You really find out who they are whether you want to or not.
How have you changed since Covid? **
I have a much more intimate, compassionate relationship with my inner self and my body.
Who did you worry about today?
My dog Bettina and my father.
Lara Tuabman is an Americana musician living in New York City.
Learn more about Lara and hear her soulful recordings at the link below
- See more The Slow Genius Movement at Domi
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